Team Tennessee succeeds in quest for railing
By Times-Herald staff report
Posted: 02/25/2009 09:27:59 AM PST
In its quest to improve safety along Vallejo's Tennessee Street, a community
group claimed another victory Tuesday with the installation of a railing.
City workers placed a railing along a sidewalk in front of the Washington Mutual bank at the corner of Tennessee and Broadway
streets to deter illegal parking at the narrow intersection.
Drivers have been parking illegally in a non-parking area for years in order to access the bank's ATM, city engineer David
Kleinschmidt said.
ATM users will now have to either park in designated areas or walk around the railing, city officials said.
Members of Team Tennessee, a group of concerned residents and business owners, said in recent months, group members took
photos of cars illegally parking in front of the bank and blocking turning traffic at the intersection, team member Maria
Guevara said.
Police Lt. Joel Salinas said 25 traffic collisions have been reported at that intersection since June 2006. The accidents,
he said, are not particularly related to illegal parking at the bank.
Team Tennessee members will host a celebration of its past year's efforts on April 30 at Vallejo City Hall, and will be
looking for new projects to tackle in the coming year, Guevara said.
Safety from numbers
Posted: 01/27/2009 09:24:31 AM PST
I am the mother of the two girls that got hit on Tennessee and Sutter St. I can't
explain the feeling that I felt when my daughter Sheree and I went to go and see what was going on after we had received a
phone call from a family friend, asking if we had seen what they did on Tennessee St. She said they finally put some signs
So, Sheree and I took a ride to look. As we came down Broadway St. and made a right onto Tennessee St. my daughter Sheree
said," look mom they did I can see them from here,' like at least two or three blocks from where the accident had happened.
We were able to notice and be aware of the pedestrian cross walk signs. All I could think about was my baby Joanie.
The reason for this letter is because the people responsible for these Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs are people that my daughter
and I would like to make a public thank you to and to let them know that this is a HUGE start to making the town safe for
So, to Team Tennessee Traffic and Safety Committee: Laurie Nesci, Susan Noll, Rick Mariani and Lyndy Pickens. and all the
businesses also which include John Lord of Lord of Real Estate, Cindy Sproule, owner of Joey June's, Mark Miller of ReMax
Gold Millerand and Associates, Lyndy Pickens of Lyndy Pickens Realty, Suzan Noll of Noll Design, and Rick Mariani of Rick
Mariani Photography, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time and the money to make a safer future for the pedestrians
in our community.
Kimberly, Sheree, and Joanie Marcos
Vallejo lighting the way for safety in crosswalks
By JESSICA A. YORK/Times-Herald staff writer
Posted: 01/15/2009 01:01:05 AM PST
A sign is located at the intersection of Sutter and Tennessee, where officials
hope to reduce accidents. (Chris Riley/Times-Herald)
Select intersections along Tennessee Street, including one where tragedy once
struck, were outfitted this week with new signage, serving as a pilot effort for city traffic
The new reflective median signs, mounted on toggles and directing drivers to yield to pedestrians, come shortly after the
city's first lighted crosswalk was installed to benefit seniors on Redwood Street.
The Tennessee Street signs, costing about $300 each, were the brainchild of community group Team Tennessee, and were bought
with donations from local business owners. They are clustered together at Tennessee Street intersections with Ventura, Fresno
and Carroll streets.
Separately, in the area of Sutter and Tennessee streets, the two signs are a
A crosswalk sign flashes to alert drivers to the newly lit crosswalk on
Redwood Street between Sonoma and Sacramento. (Chris Riley/Times-Herald) nod to the site of where 6-year-old
Joanie Marcos was killed and her sister Sheree was injured while crossing the street in February 2005, said Team Tennessee
member Lyndy Pickens.
Pickens, also a local real estate agent, said crosswalks alone do not always get the message across to drivers.
"We're doing what we can but parents still need to teach their children safety precautions," another Team Tennessee member,
Susan Noll, wrote in an e-mail. "Lights and signs are not a
The city is using the Tennessee Street signs as a pilot program, said Public Works Director Gary Leach. If the signs prove
successful in cautioning drivers, city staff may place similar signs in other areas, he added.
"Part of it is we're trying to slow the traffic down to create safer pedestrian walkways because there are businesses and
restaurants that they can support, but if they have to walk across the street ...," Pickens said.
About a mile and a half away from the Sutter-Tennessee streets intersection, the city's first lighted crosswalk was also
recently installed.
The crosswalk was laid where none had existed before, a pathway between a number of senior housing complexes and a shopping
Councilman Hermie Sunga said he began working on the crosswalk more than three years ago when approached by a group of
"I watched (seniors) walk very dangerously on that crosswalk," Sunga said. "Then I learned that the crosswalk could be
built without cost to the city because it could be put in as a condition of (a senior housing development) approval."
Barbara Hawkins, Redwood Shores Senior Housing Property manager, said she and others first began asking for the crosswalk
in 1998. She called the new crosswalk the "nicest thing I've seen in my life," but is worried because seniors are not pushing
the button that lights up the crosswalk, or even using it at times. She and other senior complexes recently began distributing
city-provided instruction pamphlets for the crosswalk.
"They still fly down the driveway, on their scooters, and go across the street," Hawkins said, adding that the end of the
housing complex's driveway does not meet with the crosswalk. "Nobody's pushing the light."
Virginia Kolda, an 86-year-old Bayview Vista Apartments resident, said getting across the state-required yellow bumps for
the vision-impaired was a hassle in her wheel chair.
"I'm afraid to push the button, that I won't be able to get across in time," Kolda said.
In general, though, Kolda said, "It's much better of an improvement."
The length of time the lights stay on is timed to the slowest estimated walking speed, said Leach, public works director.
He added that a second button for the lights is half way across the street.
q Contact reporter Jessica A. York at 553-6834 or at

Click here to read Team 3 Notes 1
Click Here to read Team 3 Notes 2
Click Here to read Team 3 Notes 3
Click Here to read Team Three's letter to join Tennessee Street "Alliance"
Team Three has been very busy going door to door on Tennessee Street, asking each business owner/resident
to join the Business Alliance. The list is almost complete.
They have also been successful in partnering up with Team One to create a Business Watch Group.
A phone tree is being set up so each area has a number of people to call to report, and get support when suspicious activities
Senior Code Enforcement Officer Nimat Shakoor Grantham reports that she is in the process of getting
permission from the City to teach residents and business owners how to become Team Tennessee Street Site Inspectors.
Vallejo's roads to ruin
Speeding often
a factor in worst traffic tragedies
By JESSICA A. YORK/Times-Herald staff writer
Article Launched: 07/13/2008 08:02:21 AM PDT
EMERGENCY PERSONNEL gather at the corner of Magazine Street and Gillcrest
Avenue, where an 11-year-old Vallejo girl was struck by a car on June 29. Some area residents say a speed bump or other device
is needed to slow drivers down (Stacey J. Miller/Times Herald) When it comes to road rage, unsafe streets and speeding drivers in Vallejo,
everyone seems to have a story to tell.
Many of the tales center around Sonoma Boulevard, the city's most highly traveled street. Tennessee Street,
Georgia Street and Curtola Parkway fall close behind, said Vallejo police Lt. Joel Salinas, head of the traffic division.
For Salinas, a 20-year department veteran, the traffic fatality that stands in sharpest relief was that of
6-year-old Joanie Marcos, who was crossing Tennessee and Sutter streets with her 14-year-old sister when the two were struck
by a motorist in 2005. Community outcry was one of the largest Salinas has experienced in vehicle-versus-pedestrian incidents,
he said.
"This caused a lot of stir
PATCHED POTHOLES and cracked pavement mark Napa Street near Curtola Parkway
before repairs. (Mike Jory/Times-Herald) in the community about what we should do about
that intersection," he said.
The driver, the Rev. Albert Lee White, an associate minister at the Highway Church of God in Christ, was convicted
of vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to six months in county jail. He said he had not been able to see through his foggy
windows at the time of the accident.
Salinas said the 2005 fatality was the only one at that intersection during his career, although a Vallejo
woman carrying a baby was struck in the same intersection in 2004. The mother was knocked to the ground and her legs were
Beyond Vallejo traffic fatalities, of which there are an average seven to 10 a year - typically single-car
crashes - Salinas said the public's most frequent cause for complaint is speeding drivers.
On the afternoon of June 29, an 11-year-old Vallejo girl was hit by a vehicle in what family members said
was a speed-related incident. The girl was running down Magazine Street when she was struck, sustaining a head injury and
scrapes. Police were unsure at the time if the driver had been speeding on the posted 25-mile-per-hour street.
Police reports show the spots where freeway exits join city streets are often high-speed areas, Salinas
THE PAVEMENT at the intersection of Patrick Court and Parkwood Drive in
Vallejo has deteriorated into a mass of loose gravel and potholes. (Mike Jory/Times-Herald) said. A ball- field fence at a curve in Curtola Parkway, which carries traffic to and from interstates 80 and 780,
has borne the brunt of plenty of single-vehicle collisions, Salinas said.
Florin Holm, a 78-year-old retired Vallejo firefighter and lifelong Vallejo resident, has an ideal position
from which to watch city traffic patterns. He is the owner of West Hubcaps & Bikes on Sonoma Boulevard, near Florida Street.
Holm, who does not consider Vallejo any less safe a place for drivers than other Bay Area cities, said driver
behavior in general has shifted dramatically in his lifetime. Whether it is due to the increased maneuverability and speed
of smaller vehicles, the increased volume of traffic or a loss of basic driver etiquette, getting in the car for a drive is
just not the same for Holm.
"Cars nowadays, they can get up to 50 miles per hour in a block," Holm said. "Everybody's going too damn fast
and speeding. They're going through the intersections too fast. If it says 25 miles per hour, they're going 40."
Other bad habits
Tailgating, general road rage and improper stop sign etiquette are just a few of the driver habits that irk
"It's not fun to drive no more," Holm said. "There's too many people who aren't considerate of other drivers
I get angry too, but I try not to take it out on people."
Vallejo streets where the most collisions were recorded in April and May:
• Sonoma Boulevard: 24 collisions
• Tennessee Street: 13 collisions
• Georgia Street: 11 collissions
Source: Vallejo Police Department |
Resident Maria Guevara said being a pedestrian on Vallejo's busier streets is a dangerous undertaking. Guevara
is a founding member of a Tennessee Street revitalization effort and her focus has been on a cooperative merchant effort in
the area. She tells the story of a friend who fearlessly crosses the street - assuming crosswalks offer her protection. That
mindset has led to plenty of close calls with vehicles, Guevara said.
"No one stops for pedestrians anymore," Guevara said. "It's like a race and no one stops anymore."
Guevara said she thinks pedestrians should be a priority in the city's traffic safety plans and would like
to see some kind of police sting on drivers who ignore pedestrians, an operation that has been undertaken successfully in
other cities.
Fellow Team Tennessee volunteer Lyndy Pickens said she is working to get a pilot pedestrian safety measure
going on a small section of Tennessee Street.
At a City Council meeting last month, Councilwoman Joanne Schivley asked Police Chief Robert Nichelini about
special cameras that record drivers running red lights at intersections. Nichelini said the council should see a presentation
on the cameras, possibly next month.
Salinas feared that drivers running red lights at individual intersections may not be of a high enough volume
to justify the devices' cost to the city.
One way Salinas said he feels the department could cut down on traffic collisions, though, would be through
officers working specifically to curtail drunk driving. Two officers, have been funded through state and county grants to
focus on high-risk drivers.
Curtailing collisions on Vallejo streets could also involve improvements to dangerous intersections, resident
Dariece Warren wrote in an e-mail.
Warren wrote that crossing Sacramento Street by car or foot - at Capitol Street is hazardous without a stop
sign in place because of a nearby view-obscuring hill. Also, Georgia Street at Sutter Street seems to attract its share of
collisions, Warren said.
"I once saw two wrecks within days of each other at that intersection," Warren wrote. "Cars fly down Georgia
over the hill, making it extremely dangerous for crossing cars and pedestrians."
• Contact Jessica A. York at 553-6834 or at
Click here to see our Tennessee Street Phone Tree form